Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday 7 August 2007 and Tuesday 7 August 2012 THEN AND NOW

Tuesday 7 August 2007 = THEN 

A normal work day for people but not for me. Cathal went off to his minder and Emma did not stir until nearly 11am. She came into me in the bed and we watched Cribs.

More post arrived and there was a very funny photo collage from work which really lifted my spirits. People have been amazing with cards, calls, texts, flowers and all sorts of relics and prayers. 

Monday 6 August 2007 and Monday 6 August 2012

Monday 6 August 2007 Bank Holiday Monday = THEN

I had to wake Cathal at 9am and Emma was away on a sleepover. We went up to the Whitewater and there were very few shops open. I was delighted to be doing something so normal and boring.

I felt very sick all of a sudden in the centre and I had to make a dash to the toilet. It was not good. I felt weak and shaky. 

I am still not eating but I tried a drink of smoothie which was okay for about three sips and then I felt sick. 

It is very hard to keep on top of things in the house. I was talking to my mum in law and she was horrified that I am on my own and intends to come up. I was so relieved.

I dozed on the couch while Cathal was having his nap this afternoon. I am so tired and weak and useless!

The cat is pregnant again and about to drop any day. Another thing which I  failed to attend to due to my sickness. This could be a whole litter of kittens this time instead of the one she had in May. Oh dear. 

Eating is still not great and I just need courage to try. I am so scared of being as sick as I was in hospital that I am afraid to try. I am getting weaker I think and afraid they will readmit me to Tallaght when they see me.

I am amazed that I am not teary and weepy. Maybe I have no spare fluids?

I went for a nap at the same time as Cathal went for his nap.
Despite everything that is going on with me - it is so great to be home.

Monday 6 August 2012 = NOW

People who know me will understand why feeling so weak and helpless was so frustrating for me. All my life I have been the doer, the one with loads of energy, the one who stays up late and is still up early the next morning. This time five year's ago I could not walk up the stairs. I could not stand for very long without feeling tired and I could not do any kind of housework worth talking about. 

It was very hard to feel so useless.

Today, despite all the housework which awaits me, I am glad to have the energy to do it [really?]. LOL. Well okay, if I could just avoid the ironing then that would be great.

B xx

Back to the Then and Now Sunday 5 August 2007 and 2012

It's time to go back to the Then and Now part of the blog. I was thrilled to find out I have been shortlisted for the Blog Awards Ireland but it's time to get back to the story. Note: To get the best out of this story, you need to read the blog from the start, i.e 4 July 2007 and 4 July 2012.

Sunday 5 August 2007 = THEN 

I woke just before 9am. Cathal came in and was snuggling. We had planned an outing but the weather was too bad. Emma was in and out all day in the rain and of course Cathal wanted to do the same. He is very clingy at the moment, which is to be expected and sure all I can do is sit around anyway so that suits him. My legs feel like two lumps of lead. I have no energy. Cathal wants to be lifted but I can’t. I know I will get stronger with time but it is so slow.

Sunday 5 August 2012 = NOW

It's the first Sunday I don't have a show since last Summer. I have taken a break from my Sunday morning radio show for the month of August. I have always wanted to do radio and it took me getting cancer to have the courage to pursue it and I have not looked back since. I love doing the show. You can catch me at 8am on a Sunday morning on Kildare's KFM [but not during the month of August].

It is hard to believe that I was as weak as that. When I read back the 2007 part and see that I could not lift Cathal and he was only 2. Now he is almost 8 and he regularly hurls himself at me and expects me to catch him.

We are planning his birthday present for 19 August when he turns 8. A proper bike for him. I hope he likes it.

We are heading away next weekend to Cobh and a farm in the middle of nowhere. Should be fun.

Great to be happy and healthy.



Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just now 12 September 2012

I am aware that I have neglected this blog for a couple of days. Fear not, there are more posts to come. Life has been getting in the way the last few days. The exciting news is that this blog has made it to the SHORTLIST of the Irish Blog Awards in the health category. I am delighted and just wanted to say thanks for reading and sharing my posts on FB and Twitter. I will keep you posted about the Awards and will be back posting tomorrow. B xxxxxx