Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Tuesday 31 July 2007 and Tuesday 31 July 2012

[Okay so just to catch people up as I am posting this as my Blog Ireland Awards blogger challenge, using the words winning and help. 

In January 2007 I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, an incurable form of bone marrow cancer. I basically took the year off and had a gruelling stem cell transplant in Tallaght and James's Hospitals in Dublin. The transplant process started on 4 July 2007 and I kept a journal the whole time. Now five year's later I am blogging what I was doing then and now as the days and dates match up! So you can see what I was up to on those days in 2007 as well as how I am getting on with things now. So here's what was happening on 31 July 2007]

Tuesday 31 July 2007 = THEN 

I woke up coughing and spluttering. Because my stomach is so used to vomiting, it just all kicked off and I felt awful. One step forward, two steps back. The nurses gave me something to settle it. It is just all this horrid mucus which has been lying on my chest from being copped up and immobile for a month.

Dr Sean was in early and he was reviewing my results. I get blood taken every morning – every morning since I have been in here, the wonderful phlebotomist has been in and I am very fond of her. She is such a lady. Anyway Dr Sean was looking at the results and looking at me and we were chatting. Dr Sean and Dr Larry are my two registrars and even though I only met them for the first time on 4th July,  we have a great rapport which is so important.

Dr Sean said I have a very practical attitude to all the setbacks and awfulness I am having. I guess I am of the view that there is no point in being hysterical.

The great news is that they are giving serious thought to letting me home for good at the weekend. But they may want me to try going home for a few hours first maybe tomorrow or the day after.

Nurse Emer was back on days today – she has been gone for a week and she could not get over the improvement in me. She said it is just wonderful to see it.

I went outside the hospital today into the fresh air for the first time since 4th July. It was raining but the rain and the air just felt wonderful. I feel dry and parched from being cooped up and it’s just fabulous to be out again. I managed the whole trip from the ward to the front of the hospital without any help. Result!

On the way back to my hospital room I caught sight of my reflection in one of the windows and I got a shock. I seem to have shrunk. I look like a stick insect – like the character from A Bug’s Life. I guess not eating for a month will do that.

Big News this afternoon. My central line into my chest was pulled out today at 12.40pm by Dr Larry. Woo hoo. It’s gone. The line was put in on 21 May to allow my stem cells to be harvested and then to give access for the transplant and all the supportive treatment. It took a huge yank/pull to get it to come out and I have a little hole where the plastic tube was. This will close over in time. It will heal naturally. It was a bit gross though and I was very nervous during the procedure.

I am hopefully getting  home for a few hours tomorrow. My brother is collecting me as Bryan is taking Emma to have some teeth out in the dental  hospital. I am too weak to go and the team here said no, that it is not a good idea for me to be in a dental hospital.

One of my friends called in this evening and she said that another friend of ours who called in a  couple of weeks ago was visibly traumatised by the way I looked then.  It must have been horrific for people to have to watch me. Perhaps I should have warned people better.

Fingers crossed. Downhill from here!

Tuesday 31 July 2012 - NOW 

Today is my last day in work before my holidays and I cannot wait for the break. It has been a hectic year so far. We have lots of things planned. It is strange to be able to plan again. Back in 2007 there were so many unknowns. Even now, we can't plan more than a month or two in advance as we just never know how my health will be. 

But it is a great feeling to know that I will be spending the holidays with family. It was pretty grim back in 2007 for the kids and my hubby, to not have a holiday and to be living under such a dark shadow. 

Then just when we thought we could plan again, I was taken seriously ill on the first day of our Summer holidays in 2009 and instead of heading away in the car, I was being rushed by ambulance to Tallaght Hospital with the lights and sirens blaring. I developed a life-threatening blood clot in my lung. Another one of my nine lives used up.

So this year we have plans and time together which is great.

It makes me feel that I am finally winning, just a nose ahead, in this battle with cancer.

Happy Holidays. Here is the video I share every year as I head off on holidays. Enjoy.


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